Pain Can Be Really Fucking Necessary

We are drawn towards things, people and experiences that will help us become more whole. Yes, even pain.

Sometimes our actions come as a result of us trying to fix ourselves, trying to go beyond one hundred percent. Hoping a realm of perpetual bliss exists.

We want to transcend our humanness, we want to grow out of our pains. Instead of bringing ourselves face to face with the truth of our current world, we retreat into our dreams and vision.

We become enraptured with our dream world. We feel more free. The realm of thought can either trap us in our allow us to reach the deepest levels of freedom we desire. We must unchain our mind’s and let our thoughts roam at the edges of our existence. The ethereal realm is filled with all sorts of goodies. Visions and dreams are important, however…

Our delusions and micro-lies can distort our perceptions. They hypnotize us into a trance. They keep us bounded by unseen forces and energies. Maybe it’s the negativity of a friend, or lover you feel is trapping you. In reality, it’s you. The core of your decision making always rests within you.

You can always come back to this question: is this what the greatest version of myself would do?

Hint: it’s not the tiny version that would throw a fit over burnt toast.

A burst of discomfort can do more to influence change in our lives than years and years and wishing and dreaming. There’s a certain power that comes when we’re truly creating. When our fingertips are dancing across the keys of life, making love to the words as they spill onto the page.

Living in the realm of creative beauty. Taking the power back.

A life like this, of truth, can be achieved. It takes hard work, it takes dedication, it takes healing.

Equal parts dreaming and action. The dreamers are not the saviors of this world, it is the powerful force of the doers that is entirely responsible for the world-shaking change we’ve seen and we need more of in this world.

How can you couple action with vision?

The intention for global change, plus your own inner exploration, coupled with the powers of manifestation, a la hard work, can truly move mountains.

The question becomes: do you want to move and shift on your own terms, or under the careful watch of another soul? By following your own path you enable others to do the same.

In living your truth you cause a micro-shift in culture.

As more and more join the ranks you begin to create an organic movement, mingling slowly within the roots of the modern world, until a new world is birthed from the old.

The inner process you’ll undergo to support this vision isn’t easy.

It’s the fucking hardest thing you will ever engage in.

But, it will also be the most worthwhile. You live one life; what are you doing with it?

We’re all given the same precious hours of the day. We’re all blessed with 10,000 minutes in a week. Are you cherishing yours, or letting the clock tick by?

Are you allowing the years to add unsightly weight to your vision and work? The clouds that come when you hold your dreams inside are not the kind you dream of on a hot summer day. They are the kind that bring torrential downpours, cold weather, and horrendous fog. This fog clouds your mind, your thoughts, and intuition.

By holding your truth inside. You do yourself and humanity a disservice.

You’ve been blessed with the opportunities you have. Since you’re reading this I know you have ample time to engage with work bigger than yourself. I know you have the power to bring work into the world that springs from your heart. You have the potential, you have the answers, you have the questions, you have the capabilities.

All of this is within you, waiting.

It wants to show up and influence the world. It wants to make some stamp on the fabric of existence. You are a vessel for change, for revolution, for art. Your body, your mind, your spirit, your craft.


It’s time to take your bow.

No more running.

No more getting in your own way.

It’s time to sweat.