Being deliberate about what you consume means shutting out a lot of incoming elements.
Curating your Facebook feed isn’t enough to become mindful about what you’re letting into your life. Your TV is evil. Drama is an addiction.
Only the truth will set you free.
The secret to cultivating this truth lies in curation and creation. Living from a place of true freedom of thought. However, this can only come when we begin to shape our own filters.
You decide what to let into your mind. Take control of the stream that’s coming into your life. Fill your life with things that uplift you. Everything else is meaningless noise.
We live in a world that prizes efficiency at all costs. But, what expense are we incurring?
By plugging ourselves into the incessant flow of information we become products of this machine.
Only by conscious removal can we get our freedom back.
Choose the best books you want to read. Unplug from any flow of information you didn’t take the time to create yourself. It’s difficult.
You’ll face massive resistance, but your freedom is at stake. Isn’t that worth it?
Disconnect, unplug and rejoice.
It won’t be easy, the pull of our addictions is too much to handle sometimes.
Just know this. You will make it out alive, and this time you may even have a little more of your humanity intact.