Who Am I?

I write poetry for the hopeful and big hearted.

My big dream is for us all to become a little more human.


…we’ve built a world that’s killed most of what it means to be a beautiful human. The acceptance, the love, the compassion, the hope, the courage, the empathy.

And a world without these fragments is a shallow, cold, and fearful place.

In the place of these brilliant and shining humans lay creatures made of stone and apathy. Boredom and decay.

I speak for the subtle aspects of our hearts and souls we’ve forgotten, yet yearn for.

I speak for the great mother we all share, and how to return to the sacred.

I speak for the lost and confused, and those who exist in pieces, because you are full in your brokenness.

If this resonates, then I ask you to join me.

My creative lineage is steeped in the ancient philosophers, poets, and sages of times past. I write because I can’t not write.

I write because I don’t know what else to do. When I don’t write a small piece of me starts to die – I become malnourished, and it’s not a pretty sight.

When I do write, I start to love life again. The tap to my universal happiness faucet begins to flow. The world is usually a better place when I write, at least my inner world.

And this makes me a more useful poet to you.

Read the long version of my story.

Below you’ll find my (un)professional bio:

  • I like to me the dumbest person in the room (not that hard).
  • Rules scare me, and I resist them (usually subconsciously).
  • I believe writing from your heart is better than any system or formula.
  • I’ve lived a nomadic lifestyle for the past five years (Currently based out of Truckee, CA).
  • I struggle to write everyday, even though it’s the only thing that breathes life into me.
  • I still struggle daily to get my ass into gear and get my work done.
  • I beat myself up about my writing on an almost daily basis, although I’m slowly learning to love myself more.
  • I’m not perfect (super duper far from it).
  • I’m a mess of contradictions (yay for being human).

If you still want to read what I write, then I send you my blessings and eternal gratitude.

Still here? Then, I suggest you click this link right here and join me. I want to give you a free collection of unreleased poems you can’t get anywhere else.

This collection will help you find direction, take you from feeling fragmented to feeling whole, and make you feel loved. Sound impossible?

It’s not, check it out.
